You can’t get somewhere you’ve never been if you don’t do something you’ve never done.
I write this today, to you, because I don’t want you to feel stuck.
A year ago, I felt really stuck. I was so overwhelmed with trying to “figure out what God had for me” and “figuring out what I was supposed to do with my life,” that I was paralyzed with indecision. I remember my aunt telling me, “honey, you’re not a tree! You can move!” And it hit me. We all have the choice to make decisions. We choose to stay stuck or not. And that choice is up to us.
So you know what I did? I moved. I did something drastic. Call me crazy, but I sold nearly everything I had and moved 3,000 miles away. I don’t recommend this for everyone, but moving for me in my twenties has opened me up to experiencing some of the greatest blessings. I actually wrote out how many places I’ve lived since graduating college recently….nine. Nine places. That’s NINE moves. (If you are about to move or just moved, I feel every ounce of your pain. Moving is the WORST. I digress…)
What I am trying to say, is, if you feel stuck and you don’t make a move or make a change, you might be missing out on some incredible experiences God might have for you. Of course God is sovereign, so he still works in our indecision, but think about how much more we could experience what he is doing in our lives if we stepped out and had a little bit more faith? And made some bold moves?
My life out in California has been nothing short of extraordinary. Sure, it’s been difficult as heck. I’ve been stretched in more ways than one in my work life, personal life and spiritual life. But you know what? I feel so alive now. I feel so free. Because I did what I could to change my situation and I got unstuck. It was scary, it was probably the boldest move I’ve made to date, but, I did it! There’s very little in life we actually have control over, so do what you can with the choices you actually have.
Just. Freakin’. Do. Something.
Here’s my advice to you: Stop trying to figure it out. Stop looking for “it.” JUST MAKE A CHANGE. Try something new. What do they say insanity is defined as? Doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results? Well, how are we supposed to get to a new place if we stay in the same place? What makes you think that you will get “unstuck” by continuing to do the same things you are doing right now? Newsflash, you won’t! You can’t get somewhere you’ve never been unless you do something you’ve never done.
I know God has me in a season of intention. A season of freedom and of trying new things and not worrying if I suck at them. I live in fear of failing and messing up. But how else are we supposed to figure out what’s next? We can’t fail. Even the greatest “failures” can be life lessons. Nothing is wasted.
So, do you feel stuck? Do you feel like you need to make a change? Honestly, you’re probably feeling that way because YOU DO NEED TO.
MAKE A CHANGE. It can be a tiny change or a huge change, just take a step forward! You don’t have to even know what’s coming next…that’s where faith comes in.
Don’t be afraid of messing up. And don’t be afraid that you are running out of time. When you feel that, that is fear creeping in. Time tells all tales.
Time is the great indicator. 99% of things are made clear with time (in my opinion, at least). So give yourself time. Give yourself freedom to explore new things. Now, don’t let this freedom keep you in a place of indecision, but let it free you to just pick something new! Break the bad habits, start some good habits. Just do something.
Are you feeling stuck? If so, what small thing can you do TODAY to change that?
You can’t get somewhere you’ve never been if you don’t do something you’ve never done.
Now, you hear me, go get unstuck!