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Get rid of the jeans

You know the pair I'm talking about.

And for whatever reason, you just can't seem to get rid of them.

It goes something like this:

The pair of jeans that used to fit, but are now too snug. You're scared of the thought of gaining more weight, so you keep them. After all, you swore to yourself for the hundredth time that you're going to "hit your goal weight" this year.

Or pair of jeans that don't fit at all, but you keep as a constant reminder that you've gained weight. And that you need to lose weight. (As if that will actually ever help you lose weight).

Since when did it become our job to fit into clothes?

Isn't it THEIR job to fit US?

I used to hate clothes shopping.

I'd be so jealous of my sister or my friends who could find the cutest clothes.

It always seemed as if they fit into everything they tried on.

But me? Nothing ever fit quite right.

Skinny jeans? Forget it. Have you seen my calves?

Flowy tops? Sure, if I'm trying to look like a cupcake.

Pants in general? Kill me now.

And don't even get me started with jeans.

If you've ever found yourself sweating in a dressing room or straight up crying while shopping, you're not alone. Shopping for jeans the WORST!

I digress.

Back to the jeans in our closets.

Maybe it's the pair of jeans that do fit, but every time you wear them, you can tell whether or not you've gained weight.

They're never 100% comfortable and you don't always feel that good in them, but since you like the size they are, you keep them.

I have a pair of jeans like that.

And they used to fit me.

And I used to feel really good in them.

And they're the constant reminder that I'm not as small as I once was.

But even still, every time I wore them, no matter what size I've been and without even realizing it, I would gauge the success and worthiness of my body off how good I felt in those jeans.

And it always changed depending on the day.

How I felt in those jeans was always dependent on how well my diet was going.


I'd only feel confident in them if I had been eating well and got my workouts in that week.

And full disclosure: I still have that pair of jeans in my closet.

And I'm still debating getting rid of them as I type this out.

I got this pair when I was a little bit leaner, and every time I put them on, I'm reminded of how lean I was.

And how they used to be a bit looser.

And how much I loved when they were looser.

Do you have a pair like that too?

And as my body has changed in the last few years, I've used those jeans as my measuring stick.

Sometimes I try them on just to see how they fit.

And every time I try them on or wear them, I subconsciously base my worthiness off how I feel in them.

Call me crazy, but I know I'm not the only girl does this.

And I was so scared to try on these jeans the other day.

I haven't tried them on in a few months.

I've been so worried about them fitting me because I feel like I'm so much bigger now.

Well, you want to know something funny?


Here I've been, for months, so worried, and I put them on and zipped them right up the other day.

Sure they're a little snug, but they fit.

But you better believe that I'm getting rid of them.

I don't need a pair of jeans in my closet that's conditional.

I don't need to place my worthiness in HOW A STUPID PAIR OF JEANS FITS.

And I don't need anything in my closet that doesn't make me feel like A MILLION BUCKS.

And side note, the butt pockets are way off. They make my butt look bad! I can't keep them on principle. I have a theory that 99% of how jeans look is the butt pocket placement. It's the jeans- not my butt. And it's only taken me 26 years and a lot of pairs of jeans to realize that.

It’s time to stop looking at labels and getting hung up on how the clothes fit! Sizing is so wack anyway! Some stores a 4 might be loose on me, and others I can barely squeeze into a 12. It’s the clothes job to fit us, not the other way around. Please don't forget that the next time you go shopping.

And furthermore, our bodies are always going to be changing.

Just like we are constantly changing, so are our bodies!

Weightlifting has made my waist smaller and my butt bigger. And jeans just fit differently now! And it's OKAY!

It doesn’t mean I’m some gigantic whale that needs to be flung back into the ocean- it just means I need to get a new pair jeans!

Whatever is in your closet that doesn't make you feel absolutely amazing, please get rid of it. Donate it, give it to a friend. Just please get it out of your closet! We don't need that negativity in our lives!

Why would we have a closet full of clothes that every time we go to get dressed, we just feel bad about ourselves?

Why do we keep clothes in our closet or stuff in our home that we don't absolutely LOVE?

And even deeper than that, why do we allow people into our lives that don't make us feel like a million bucks? Why do we put up with crappy relationships, people with no boundaries or negative thought patterns, just like we put up with that pair of jeans in our closet?


Our value is not found in how our jeans fit. Not today. Not tomorrow. Not ever.

And maybe get rid of that crappy boyfriend or unhealthy friend while you're at it! (Too bad you can't sell crappy relationships on Poshmark - what a market that would be.)

Don't be like me and waste years of your life worrying about the way your jeans fit.

Your worthiness is not found there.

You deserve to feel like a million bucks every day.

What else are you holding on to that you need to let go of?

I know you're lying if you tell me it's just the jeans.

So, what's holding you back?

Get rid of the jeans!


P. S. These are the jeans btw. They're cute, right? You probably can't even tell I'm 100% uncomfortable in them. But I have to practice what I preach, and it's time to get rid of the jeans!

P. P. S. What jeans do you swear by? I've found that Lucky Brand fits me well - maybe it's the lifter's build I have now. Squats do wonders for the booty.

P. P. P. S. I recently found out that Madewell will give you $20 off a new pair of jeans if you bring in an old pair. Time to go get some new jeans, ladies!!!



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