Does anyone else feel like it’s impossible to make the perfect batch of granola?
Not crunchy enough, too much egg white, not enough clusters, too much cinnamon—the list goes on.
Don’t even get me started on how much time I’ve spent watching the oven just asking myself, “Is it done yet??” over and over until it’s way overbaked.
Most people may just see oats on a pan here, but for some reason, making granola the other day got me thinking about “adulting.”
What does granola have to do with it?

No matter how hard we try, our lives will never be perfect. We can’t plan everything out or anticipate the future. We’re all just throwing things together, hoping something good comes out of the mess.
Some follow the recipe precisely, do everything "right," get married, buy the house with the white picket fence, have 2.5 kids...and then there’s the people who just dump everything into a bowl and make it up as they go.
But the similarity?
Whatever our approach, we’re all really just hoping our batch comes out just right.
Finding the perfect recipe for granola is like trying to build the “perfect” life—it’s probably not going to work out the way we envision it.
It probably won’t ever be perfect—and that’s okay!
There's no such thing as perfect— everyone is different & we all have our 'ideal version' of life' anyway.
Just like other people might bug you— granola with raisins might bug you! Some people are a little nutty, just like granola. Not everyone is like you and that’s okay! Doesn’t mean anything is wrong with them, they’re just different. They're figuring it out too, just like you. Instead of getting annoyed at our differences, what if we appreciated them? It's a gift that not everyone is like you! After all, do you know how many amazing varieties of granola there are?!
I’ve been trying for months to perfect my recipe for granola, and I keep coming up short. But I’ve sort of been doing the same thing in life for 27 years—no matter how hard I try or how much I plan, things just don’t always turn out the way I wish they would.
And I keep trying to be perfect.
So here’s the takeaway: We might be searching for the perfect recipe for the rest of our lives, but no matter what, we have to keep trying. Add more honey, a touch more cinnamon, try something new, take the risk—we’re all just figuring it out.
Sometimes the best plans and perfectly followed recipes DO lead to the best granola— and other times, it’s the random bits thrown together or the happy accidents that make it absolutely delicious. Even if every batch isn’t the best batch you’ve ever made, you’re probably going to eat and enjoy it anyway—you can’t give up and start over every time something doesn’t work out just so.
It’s the same with life!
We’re all just making it up as we go.
So carry on.
(Edited by my lovely friend: Emily Macadam)