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I have found the key to happiness

Updated: Nov 7, 2019


Happiness comes when we stop wishing we had someone else’s life and we finally accept our own exactly the way it is.

Read that again.

Think about it: we live in a world where we constantly compare our lives to PICTURES and snip-its of other people’s lives….. why do we automatically assume someone else has it better? Why do we want someone else’s life? Because we saw a picture of them looking real happy on an airplane on there way to Hawaii? Give me a break.

Happiness comes when we fully believe that the lane we are in was made for US. When we stop looking to the right or to the left, comparing ourselves and our lives to those around us, when we stop fighting against the grain of who we are and when we actually accept ourselves for who we are and WHERE we are.

A simple encouragement to you today: Accept your life and who you are for what it is RIGHT NOW!

Stop wishing you had someone else’s life or someone else’s spouse or someone else’s body and be happy with your OWN. We forget that God didn’t make us to be clones of one another- he made us to be unique. I know this sounds so corny, but sometimes I think about how sad God must be when he sees his little children down here on earth hating their lives and their situations and comparing themselves. I bet he’s thinking, “why is he doing that? Why is she so upset? I didn’t make her to have that other person’s life. I made her to have an incredibly unique life and story and purpose that no one else can have but HER!”

It must be really frustrating to be God.

Why are we constantly trying to be someone else?

Accept yourself. Be kind to yourself. And put yourself out there! Try new things, take chances, explore the things you think you might be interested in. But for heaven’s sake, stop wishing you had someone else’s life. Be okay with your own.

Life includes a lot of struggle …and a lot of trial and error. And that is OKAY. It makes us who we are.

Start getting okay with things being messy and never feeling quite “ready” for something new. Be thankful for where you are. Be thankful for the hardship or the joy- because there is a lesson in it. I promise. And usually, when we are uncomfortable in a situation, it means that God is at work trying to get us out of that situation. We aren’t supposed to stay there, we are supposed to change and grow, and sometimes that is painful.

Are you single? Are you waiting to be happy until you meet “The One?” Stop giving into the idea of “future happiness.”

Your life won’t magically change once you fall in love and find “The One.” Who came up with that crap, anyway? You could be compatible with PLENTY of people on this earth….seven billion to be exact, and you are all worried about finding “The One?!” If you are lonely and unhappy being single, you will still be lonely and unhappy in a relationship. Standing in a garage doesn’t magically turn you into a car, right? So why would getting into a relationship all of a sudden fulfill you and make you never struggle with loneliness again? It won’t.

If you’re lonely single, you’ll be lonely married. Stop waiting for someone else to make you happy and accept your life the way it is. That sounds harsh, but it’s reality. And as my friend Alyson says,“If you don’t like yourself, how do you expect anyone else to?”

There is always a reason for why we are where we are. Always. So work on yourself. If you want to get married and have a family, that’s truly wonderful. That’s a real desire! And I believe that God will give you those desires if they align with what he has for you. I mean that. But, please, stop putting marriage and family on a pedestal. You don’t hold any less worth in this world because you’re single! You don’t need someone to “complete you.”

You’re fully whole just as you are, and this is your time to invest fully in yourself and YOUR dreams and what God has for you. Stop wishing out of your situation.  I can promise you that your future married self is gonna be really ticked at you for complaining about having no plans and being free on a Friday night someday when a baby is wailing, you haven’t showered in days and all you want is to be single and starfishing in your bed again.

Another question: Do you still not know “what you want to do with your life?” Are you waiting for that “Aha” moment to be happy?

You can trust me because I haven’t found it yet either, so clearly I know what I’m talking about. But really, why are we so caught up in finding that “one thing” that will set our souls on fire? What if we have a ton of things that we are supposed to do with our lives? And we change year after year, so shouldn’t our passions change too?

I am barely 30 and I’ve had so many jobs already…some days I think I’m wasting my 20s trying different things (including but not limited to: painting dorm rooms, selling bathroom advertising, running a singles ministry at a church…I promise you, I can’t make this stuff up), but then I step back and I’m grateful for it. It’s just as important to find what you don’t want to do than what you DO want to do.

So keep running. Keep throwing yourself at things until you find it. That’s how you know pasta is al dente. Why can’t that be the same with us? Keep throwing things at the wall until something sticks. There’s a reason why certain jobs or passions aren’t sticking…it means there’s something better for you.

All I’m trying to tell you: be happy with your life right now, today. I promise you when you finally stop wishing out of your situation and accept reality for what it is, you will realize there is so much you’ve been missing out on.

Don’t miss it.

Don’t miss out on YOUR life because you’re constantly trying to get your life to look like someone else’s.

Ain’t nobody got time for that.



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