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Margaritas don't care & neither should you.

I think we can all agree one thing right now: the anxiety of the world is at an all time high.

No one is in their right mind.

No one knows what's going to happen.

No one is okay.

And with everything going on, I've realized something so clearly:


I thought this the other day- even if I sat alone in my room for the next 6 months, someone somewhere would have an opinion about it.

Someone would still disapprove of my choices.

There will always be something that someone will judge me for.

Damned if I do, damned if I don't.

But what really matters? Not living in fear.

Not spending every waking second worrying or wondering what everyone else around you thinks of you, your life, what you said, what you ate, or what decision you made.

Do you live in your head too?

Do you live your life strapped to the front row of the overthinking roller coaster of doom?

Have you ever thought about just getting off?

NEWSFLASH: those people aren't even thinking about you!

That's the crazy part.

(Or maybe they are but only for like half a second and then they go back to thinking about themselves.)

Someone pointed this out to me the other day in a very...can I say...YIKES sort of way. Imagine if you took all of those thoughts and you just turned them off, threw them out, and stopped worrying about them? Wouldn't you get like 80% of your thinking capacity back?

Now wouldn't that be nice?

And if you've got eating issues, doesn't it feel so good when you go an entire day not really thinking about your body?

Or not saying no to the beach because you didn't get your workout in?

Or not saying no to seeing your friend because she's smaller than you?

Or not saying no to the amazing blackberry margarita your girlfriend ordered you, along with the chips, salsa, guac and FRIED GREEN BEANS? Yeah you heard me right.

Plus...don't all of those things taste and feel way better than worrying about what other people think of you?

Or worrying what YOU think of YOU?


I mean how friggen good does that margarita look!

I told someone this DUMB example recently, and I'll share it on here. Some of you might think this is super lame and you'd never relate, but others might be nodding their heads in agreement.

My friend Hannah got married a few years back. This was the week before I was about to start my job at the mechanic shop.

There I was, with all of the girls getting their nails done (remember those days... those were good days) and there were like 10 of us overtaking this nail salon in San Antonio.

Everyone was getting gel nails and big fake nails and I kept going back and forth:

"But what will they think of me at my new job if I have gel nails? They'll totally judge me. They will think I'm just this uppidy extra upper middle class girl."

So I got a regular manicure.

Then my nails got completely smeared on the drive to the rehearsal dinner and looked like TRASH for the wedding.

(I guess now I should apologize to Hannah's mom for paying for that manicure that I ruined...)

But you know what? I walked in on my first day of work and the receptionist had a nice gel manicure with fake nails too.

I know this example is dumb, but it just goes to show that living your life attempting to please people all the time or do the right thing or assuming you should or shouldn't do something because of what someone else will think is a TOTAL FRECKIN' WASTE OF TIME!

And you should just get the gel manicure because you wanted the gel manicure.

You should just drink the margarita because you wanted the margarita.

You should live your life for YOU -- not everyone else around you.

So please stop worrying about the people's opinions that don't really matter.

Other people's worries don't have to be your worries.

Ya hear me??

You are loved.

You are free.

That is all.

Now start living that way.



P. S. Always get the second margarita. Always.


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