My roommate, Victoria, and I have been joking about this, but I don’t think it’s a joke. New year–new me. We all have gotten a fresh start with the beginning of a new year. I have been thinking about so many things lately. About my job, my passions and what I really want to do. I’m grateful to be learning so many lessons in life right now. I feel like everything I learn I have to learn the hard way. It’s kind of comical. I always tell people that things that happen to me don’t happen to normal people. And I really think that’s true. But as much as I think my life is a joke, I’m reminded that it’s not a joke. Everything I go through and experience was planned before time by the Creator of the Universe. And nothing happens by chance. I’m in my job for a reason, in Beverly, MA for a reason and every person I meet I meet for a reason. I’m so much more content that I was a few months ago. I had so much change in such a short time span that I was just exhausted all the time. And finally, finally, I am not so exhausted. Why? Because I am finally learning that I need to take care of myself. And you can’t help other people on the plane with their oxygen masks if you don’t put yours on first. So this year, this 2017, I am finally going to put my oxygen mask on first.
“In order to become who God made you to be, you must first love yourself.”
It’s so easy for me to tell other people that they aren’t taking care of themselves. “Stop! You are doing too much! You need to be more selfish! You need to take care of yourself and stop taking care of everyone else! You keep doing all of these things for other people because you don’t love yourself!” And the ironic part? That’s actually the advice I need to start giving myself. I’ve been exhausted, and I’m finally realizing that I am a big part of the problem.
Loving yourself to me means putting God first and knowing that you can’t change or fix anybody else. It’s not your job. So, if you’re like me, stop taking on other peoples problems. Stop trying to make everyone happy. Take care of yourself first, because if you don’t, you’re really not able to help others to the best of your ability. Like my uncle told me once, “you can’t serve from an empty wagon.”
Jesus took care of himself and he let God take care of him. Are you letting God take care of you? And are you saying no and learning how to take care of yourself? This is my year. I’ve already decided it. It’s Chinese New Year on January 28th, and this is the year of the Rooster. My birthday falls on the year of the Rooster–so, like I said, THIS IS MY YEAR! And this can be YOUR year too!
“But Jesus often withdrew to the wilderness for prayer.” -Luke 5:16
Are you taking time to go off, be alone and pray? Or just sit in silence? Or journal? Or get a pedicure and get a $4 latte? Sometimes taking care of ourselves is as easy as taking the long way home for a pretty view or making time to go to that workout class because it makes you feel good. Whatever it is, take care of you!