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PART 2: Every sunset is beautiful.


When the sun rises each day, it shines brightly for all to see.

It isn't ashamed of anything.

It doesn't doubt itself.

It isn't insecure.

It's bright, brilliant & a fireball - literally.

And it doesn't care what anyone thinks of it.

Maybe we could take a lesson from the sun.

We doubt ourselves way too much.

And our feelings about ourselves?

They change daily.

Some days are awesome and you feel amazing...

Others? They just suck.

And that internal dialogue is HORRIBLE.

And maybe you've been like me... matter what, you can't seem to be happy with yourself where you are.

You've fought for so long to be content with yourself.

I feel you.

And this is why I've been asking myself this question:

If I can't be happy with myself now - especially in my own skin - when will I ever be?

I know for me, no matter what size, fitness level or "toned-ness" I've been, it's never been enough.

I still wanted something I didn't have.

I still was annoyed my skin wasn't clear.

I was still annoyed I had stretch marks.

I was still annoyed I wasn't smaller.

I was still annoyed certain parts weren't firmer.

No matter what - it was never enough.

When will it be enough???


We don't judge sunsets for the pink streaks or messy grey clouds strewn across the sky.

They're one of a kind.

They're different every single night.

No sunset is the same.

And that's just like you and me- no two people are alike on this planet.

And, even more than that, you are not the same person you were yesterday.

We are constantly evolving and changing every single day - and tonight's sunset will look different from last night's.

But why do we do that to ourselves all the time? Why do we judge ourselves so harshly?

Looking to the right and left, comparing our sunset to someone else's, comparing our current sunset to a future sunset or comparing our past sunsets to our current ones.

Constantly, we compare the old amazing sunsets in our lives to the not as good ones happening right now.

We compare our old body to the one we have right now.

We keep the rose colored glasses on, thinking we were so much happier then- but really, were we?

Even at the time, when you had that body, were you like me and you didn't even appreciate it??

"Even if I went back to my pre-baby body, I always wanted something more. It was never enough." - my friend

When will be enough???

I think that's all I'm trying to say here.

We can't keep doing this, over-glorifying our past selves or our past bodies.

Because even though you thought you were satisfied probably weren't.

There were still things about your body you nitpicked.

There were still things you were so hard on yourself about.

And these are the hard questions I want you to ask yourself:

If all those things changed and you finally felt "perfect" and "good enough," would it make you a better human?

Would it make you a better Jesus follower?

Would it make people love you more?

Is that what people love you for??

Thank you, Lisa, for these reminders.

Your body will change. Your life will change. And we can't keep holding out our happiness for that future body. Or when we get our "old one" back.

What if today was your last? Do you really want to spend your last moments hating yourself for the size of your thighs or wishing you had your old body back?

Please take time this week and watch the sun set. You will be reminded that sunsets aren't perfect, but that doesn't make them any less powerful, radiant, beautiful and one of a kind.

And you'll be reminded that they change every single night - just like you.

Perspective really is a beautiful thing.



P. S. Maybe that's what we need to do with our eating issues and negative thoughts in this time - and all the time. Maybe we need to be more like the sun. Just as the sun sets each night, that's how we can combat our negative thoughts and obsessions. Gyms are closed, our lives are turned upside down and we might not be able to move like we want to. Some of us are turning to food for comfort, diets for comfort or exercise for comfort.

Maybe just like the sun sets and disappears each night, we need to do the same with the negative thoughts about our bodies - let those thoughts move to a quieter place. Stop looking down at yourself and criticizing what you see. Stop looking to your left or your right and comparing yourself to those around you (or those you see on Instagram!)

And stop looking to your past self or future self for happiness.

The world needs you to accept yourself and be yourself- because after all, nobody ever said they didn't like watching the sun set :)


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