12:22pm (give or take) Friday August 28th
The day has finally come. I am officially moving to North Carolina. And I’m here. Literally. Sitting in the state. My heart and mind are full of excitement and all of my nervousness has gone away. Thank God. I am excited and ready. I finally feel ready!
Today is Friday, and I left Tuesday afternoon for my trip down south. I have to laugh to myself because as I started my trip, I got a call from home. I was only about a half mile away and my phone rings. “You forgot your purse on the kitchen table, honey!” Good thing for dads and good thing for cell phones, right? It reminded me too that this is just the beginning. I may be doing all of these “adult” things, but man, I still feel like a little kid at times.
My first stop was Philly to visit my sweet college friend Kasey. We had such a nice evening together in the little town she lives in (Ambler, PA), and it was great to catch up and see how she was doing. I headed to DC the next morning to stay with my aunt and uncle. They live in Alexandria, Virginia. It worked out really well because I got to see a friend in the city, and another friend who just started his first year at a seminary down the street from my aunt and uncle. When he dropped me back off at the house and realized how close it was to his school, he told me that he runs past their house all the time. Small world indeed.
Aunt Laura and I took on Washington DC sightseeing together on Thursday, and we saw everything from the Washington Monument to the Lincoln Memorial to Julia Child’s kitchen in one of the Smithsonian museums. We walked almost 10 miles! Perfect for road tripping, considering it’s nearly lunch time and I have probably walked a total of 0.1 miles today.

It’s funny because I started this blog to share what I’m doing and things about my life, and for the life of me, I haven’t be able to think about what I should write about. I think there is one main reason for it. Traveling and being in new surrounds is so beneficial. Why? Because you don’t have time to not be present. Does that make sense? Like, you have to be 100% where you are, mind, body and soul, because you’re taking in all of the new surroundings, you’re in an unfamiliar place and you’re not totally comfortable. You just are where you are. And I was thinking about that yesterday when I was wandering around DC. God wants us to be where we are. He wants us to take life one day at a time and just ENJOY IT! He wants us to put our phones down and worries aside, and just be in the moment. We were made to be present, yet so often we are in the past or in the future, and completely miss out on what’s right in front of us.

I’m really excited. Today, I’m having lunch with Tripp and Sarah in Greensboro. They are the directors of the Greensboro Fellows program, and I’ve talked to them a bunch on the phone, but it will be so great to finally meet them in person!
My drive has been so enjoyable, and I needed the alone time. I was listening to a few worship songs when my trip started this morning. One in particular was about surrendering. Something I’m not necessarily the best yet. I want to be in control and I think I can do things all by myself. But, this is the very reason I’m in Greensboro. I can’t do it by myself. So this is why I am in this Fellows program with 12 other people my age and my two awesome directors, to do life together and really learn what it means to depend on one another.
p.s. This photo is from a campsite I stumbled upon on my drive. I love North Carolina!
