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The Waiting Tank

So, is anyone else like in shock that it’s already September? Or that September is nearly over and October 1st is like TWO DAYS AWAY!? I feel as if fall came out of nowhere! Don’t get me wrong, I love fall. I love pumpkin anything, cool evenings, apple picking, vests and watching the trees slowly change each day. But it’s September. What?! RIP semi-tan body! See ya next summer!

I’ve been living back in Massachusetts for a year now.  And I officially reached the 365 day mark at work a few weeks. The job I didn’t think I would even last 2 weeks in to give my 2 weeks notice has gotten 1,000,000x better and I have lasted a YEAR. I think I have beat the millennial stereotype! (Oh wait, I had 5 jobs in my first year out of college…never mind ha ha ha). And you know what I think is so funny about it all? I’ve been praying for God to change my situation the entire time. For basically 364 of those 365 days, I’ve been trying to run away and I’ve been desperately praying for God to change my situation. To change my job, my life, my friends, my location, basically everything. And you know what God has changed?

He has changed ME.

I feel like I’ve been in this waiting tank. Waiting for a lot of things. But you know what’s so awesome about the times God has you wait? He changes you. He gives you more of Himself. He molds you and shapes you more into who He wants you to be. And it’s freaking awesome when you finally start to see it. And I think that is the point of all of this.

“I am sure that God keeps no one waiting unless He sees that it is good for him to wait.” -C.S. Lewis

Who actually likes to wait? Nobody. At least I don’t like to. I want immediate results. I want what I want NOW–and God doesn’t really work that way. And I’m so glad He doesn’t!! Holy cow! I’m so glad He knows what is best for me. I’ve been really challenged lately to live presently. And to trust Him. And it’s really hard sometimes. I want to be in control. I want to know what’s going to happen. And I try to play God all the time. I piece together all of these random coincidences thinking that I know exactly what God is doing.

“This happened, so it must mean this. This person said this, so it must mean this. This is what I saw, so it must mean this.”

And we cannot play God.

I try to find meaning in everything, and I don’t always think it’s because I love God and want more of him in my life. I think sometimes it’s just another way I try to be in control. It’s a way for me to try to figure out what He is doing. And when I can’t figure it out, I try to piece together all the “clues” I think He is giving me. But that isn’t how life works. And at 24 years old, I don’t know why I still think I can “figure it all out.”

I hear his voice whispering to me, “Elsa, wait and see. Trust Me. You’ll never even be able to dream up the life I have for you, so why don’t you stop trying to figure it out, trust Me and wait and see what I’m gonna do?!”

So, friend, how is God asking you to trust Him in life right now? Is it heartache, sickness, loneliness? Do you feel like you’re in a waiting tank too? Are you stuck in a job or a place or a relationship you don’t want to be in?

When you have moments where you feel your trust lacking, turn your eyes to Jesus. His face is so magnificent– He loves you more than you can fathom. Put your trust in His faithfulness. Look back at your life and all the wonderful things He has done for you.

“Yet I still dare to hope when I remember this: The faithful love of the Lord never ends! His mercies never cease. Great is His faithfulness; His mercies begin afresh each morning.” -Lamentations 3:21-23

Remember how faithful He has been to you in the past. Why do you think He won’t be just as faithful in your future?



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