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This one is for you, Wesley

We all have three zones: our comfort zone, our learning zone & our panic zone. I’ve been hanging out in the panic zone for a while now. I need to get out.

Life doesn’t slow down. There’s never a perfect time to start that new job, move to a new place or begin a new relationship. Usually, we have a bunch of things going on and we just ask, “Why the heck is this all happening at once?!?! Can my life just slow down for like five seconds?!” But that’s the beauty in it. It all happens when we least expect it & we’re never fully ready. I’m just a scaredy cat sometimes.

Scratch that- most of the time.

And I am so worried about what other people are going to think of me, when God just wants me to keep my eyes on Him and only care about what He thinks of me. Isn’t that the only opinion that matters anyway? My sister shared a verse with me nearly 4 years ago when I was struggling with this same thing, and it is still one that I have to repeat to myself weekly:

“Am I now trying to win the approval of human beings, or of God? Or am I trying to please people? If I were still trying to please people, I would not be a servant of Christ.” //Galatians 1:10

People pleasing and caring so much about what other people think of me has crippled me for a while. And I need to give it up. Because essentially, it’s pride. Me being worried about what other people think has nothing to do with other people; it has to do with me! And while I’m busy worrying about other people, I’m not worrying about myself. And when it comes down to it, we can only really worry about ourselves.

I guess it all comes down to fear. And I need to stop being son afraid all of the time. I need to take the risks that life throws at me sometimes, because what’s the worst thing that could happen? I fail? I mess up? I lose? I can’t be scared of that. That’s inevitable.

what if i fall

I feel lighter than I have in a while. I feel a little bit more free from all of the burdens that have been weighing me down. And I’m remembering that I don’t have to have anything figured out. I can relax and enjoy where I am. Enjoy what’s going on–and not overthink my future. Or anything for that matter!

“Stop overthinking. You’re only creating problems that aren’t there.”

I’ve had a really good day. I slept in and had a good workout. I drank a protein shake, painted my nails bright red and haven’t done much of anything all afternoon. It’s 3pm and I’m laying in my bed–if you knew me, you would know that this is very abnormal. I’m usually doing a million and one things with my time. But time is precious and I can’t just fill it up with activity. I can’t just stay busy all the time. I want to do things that are meaningful, but I also want to rest when I need rest. And today is one of those days!


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